Steve Melton Construction would not be the company that they are today without the long history of two men with a vision for excellence in home remodeling.
In 1968, Wayne Melton started a small company called Mineral Springs Furniture. He owned and operated this business until it caught fire and burned down during the summer of 1971. Although his business appeared to be in shambles, Melton stayed focused on fulfilling his vision to offer great products to local homeowners. Wayne opened the doors of Monroe Glidden Paint soon after the furniture store fire. Just as that business was taking off, it was devastated by another fire in the summer of 1975. Facing a time of adversity, Wayne had a decision to make. With a wife and three young children depending on him, Wayne Melton chose to keep following his vision for excellence and embark on yet another business venture.
Wayne Melton Interiors opened up in the fall of 1975, which operated out of Wayne’s garage as a show room. It wasn’t until 1976 that the vision for his company became clearer. Soon after Wayne began working as a carpet and vinyl salesman with Sherwin Williams and was given the opportunity to install flooring for them on the side. He quickly discovered his passion for floor installation and moved to Piedmont Floor to work in their installation department full time. After gaining experience, Wayne decided it was time to do what he always wanted to do successfully, which was own and operate his own home remodeling company.
Wayne Melton Interiors officially opened for business in 1984, specializing in hardwood, carpets, and vinyl. His business quickly grew throughout Union and Mecklenburg counties and it was time to hire help. After hiring his first full time employee, Wayne’s son Stephen began working with his father part time while still in middle school picking up floor scraps on job sites. Once he graduated high school in 1985, Stephen began working full time.
Stephen was married in 1988. With that decision made, Stephen pursued his General Contracting License to build homes on the side so his wife could stay at home with their children. Steve Melton Homes opened for business while Stephen continued working for his father. Always desiring to build something of his own, he struggled with the decision of whether to leave his father’s company and step out on his own or balance his time around both.
After much deliberation, son Stephen knew he had a commitment to serving another man’s vision and could not walk away from his father’s remodeling business. Relying on his faith in God, Stephen felt that there were more important things in life than accomplishing noble success in the business market. He knew the Lord had him where he was supposed to be. It was confirmed years later that staying with his dad’s business was the right thing to do.
As Stephen continued to develop management skills through “trial by fire,” he learned how to manage from an employee and owner’s point of view. Steve Melton Homes continued growing in the building industry even though he was struggling with the growing pains of building a new company along with working for Melton Interiors. Little did Stephen know that the growing pains were just beginning.
In early 2000, he understood why staying with his dad was confirmation that God had him right where he needed to be. Wayne began a vigorous four year battle with brain cancer, challenging Stephen to manage two companies while also helping care for his dad. During this time, Wayne felt it was necessary for Stephen to take over and merge both companies into what we now know as Melton Interiors Incorporated.
Going from being an employee to leading a new company brought new challenges. Stephen truly believes that, “you never know you are capable of great things until you are put in what seems to be an impossible situation.” There was never a time where the company was faced with closing it’s doors, even when productivity was down 75% due to cancer treatments. Just prior to Wayne’s death, Stephen reflected on the challenges in his father’s life, and felt inspired. Wayne told him the biggest desire was for his children to continue to a greater level in their walk with Christ and business than he experienced . He had taken the company as far as it could go and now it was time for Stephen to take it even further. After a long illness, Wayne passed away in June 2004.
Over the last ten years, doors have opened for Stephen, allowing him the opportunity to grow the ‘family’ business. He has given back the knowledge and skill God gave him by building with construction teams to help build a church and develop community in the Dominican Republic. On an annual basis, Steve Melton Construction contributes financially and participates in assisting with construction projects for those in need.